The Maple is an
deciduous tree which means it will shed its leaves in the winter months. Easily the most popular of all forms of Japanese Maple, Deshojo is an easy-to-keep and eye catching cultivar. The foliage is bright red in spring, darkening as it matures and turning green in summer. In the Autumn the whole tree becomes a blazing beacon of bright scarlet as the leaves prepare to fall, making this species simply stunning. It is an amazing sight to see!
They need a sunny or partially shaded position which is protected from cold winds (this helps prevent sun scorched leaves).
Keep outside, but provide some protection if temperatures drop below -5°C
Daily watering during the growing season (sometimes more than once a day in summer). Soil should never dry out completely.
You can prune shoots and twigs all year round to maintain shape. Thicker branches can be pruned in Autumn or Summer.
Repot when the tree needs it, check every couple of years.
Follow instructions and feed in Spring and Summer.
For more advice please visit our
FAQ page and
YouTube channel for help.
Please Note: The picture is for guidance only. It is not generally possible to send the tree in the picture. Please note that measurements given are approximate not exact. Measurements given are from the bottom of the pot to the top of the tree, the pot colour may also vary from the picture. Due to their nature trees grow and whilst in our care may need pruning, this means the tree that you receive may differ in size to that given in the description. The appearance of the tree may vary depending on the season.