Pyracantha anguvstifolia or ‘Firethorn’ resembles the genus Cotoneaster in many respects except that it has sharp thorns. It is an outdoor evergreen shrub and produces clusters of lovely white, five petalled flowers in early summer, and these are followed by bright red berries in autumn. They easily develop a thick trunk so it is an excellent subject for bonsai.
Keep outside all year. Firethorn looses its leaves in very cold weather and enjoys full sun throughout the growing season.
Will need protection from hard frosts in the winter months - so keeping it in an unheated greenhouse will help keep it alive. In the Winter months the berries and leaves can look a little tired, this is nothing to worry about, old berries and leaves will drop and new growth will appear in the Spring.
Water throughout the year including dry spells in winter. Do not let the tree dry out during summer as this will make the leaves wither and fall.
Spring or late summer is a good time to prune this tree.
Repot your tree when it needs it. Possibly every 2-3 years.
Apply solid organic fertiliser every four weeks. Always read the label.
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Please Note: The tree in the picture is the one we will send. Measurements given are approximate not exact and are taken from the bottom of the pot to the top of the tree. Due to their nature trees grow and whilst in our care may need pruning, this means the tree that you receive may differ slightly in size to that given in the description. The appearance of the tree may vary depending on the season.