The Beni-chidori Maple is an outdoor deciduous tree that is easy to train. Although similar to ‘Deshojo”, ‘Beni-chidori has smaller leaves and denser branching. In early spring, he new leaves emerge soft red, fading to pink then mid-green in summer. In autumn, the foliage turns red. Small leaves and a twiggy habit make this a much sought after bonsai.
The Maple can withstand winter temperature as low as -10°C, but only for brief periods. If prolonger freezing conditions are forecast, protect in an unheated greenhouse or shed. It can be kept in full sun throughout the summer (though protect from fierce sunlight to prevent leaf scorch) but will produce better autumn colours if grown in the shade.
Please Note: The tree in the picture is the one we will send. Please note that measurements given are approximate not exact. Due to their nature trees grow and whilst in our care may need pruning, this means the tree that you receive may differ in size to that given in the description. The appearance of the tree may vary depending on the season.